Friday, 2 November 2012

Battle of the lashes

Last term at Beauty School we have been learning eye treatments, waxing and part facials so far but since I have been learning eye treatments I absolutely love them and can't get enough! Only problem for me is that I do them but can't do them to myself such as tinting so I have come up with a deal with a fellow beauty bumchum that if I update hers she will do mine in return for free!!
Eyebrows are now looking good they are tinted dark as I have dyed my hair for the winter now and wanted them to match and all shaped which I am now obsessed with keeping them dark, trimmed but thick still personally...
Beauty school when we were told we were putting individual eyelashes on someone else and I was beginning to get a little nervous, would I poke their eye out? would I make them blind? Can I keep my hands that still? Which angle do I put them on? all this running through my head...
Tutors make it look all too easy at college but having them there is like having a beauty guardian angel they know exactly what your worries are and how to solve them by pumping more confidence in you...
It went well my first set of individual eyelashes I started from the outside with medium ones and then getting smaller, I went for a natural look as the girl had to go to work the next day and she didn't want to look like she was on a night out.
Mine however I must admit weren't so nice, I can't knock the girl it was her first try and she may think the same at what I did to hers but I wanted to see how different they feel from strip ones. Definetly a positive you can't feel they are on at all, they look natural and they can last up to a week unlike strip lashes which can be itchy, big and you can't put sunglasses on with them which I have attempted before.

As you can see in the picture they are a little clumpy and although they could look natural they are a little on the unnatural side due to shape but they did last 3 days which I was impressed with and easy to take off if you have an oily makeup remover otherwise they will strip you of your real lashes.

On the other hand I thought id give the strip ones a go that were in my college kit and this was the result ok there is some eyeliner on my top lid making them not as natural but  I could not sleep with these on.
I know which ones I prefer but opinions are always great to me...So give us a quick comment even if it is picture A or B.
x S x

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