Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Catch up post by a naughty blogger...

Hi all, I have been a really naughty blogger as it has been a long time since I have blogged about anything. Give myself a little bit of a chance I have been extremely busy recently so much stuff going on with my job in salon, finishing up college and I haven't had a weekend with no plans for a while.

In the next couple of weeks I will be turning 25 and just recently it seems I am at the age that everytime I turn on my facebook on another friend has got engaged or another wedding invitation pops up, happy for them all of course and congratulations but I just keep asking myself what is it about this year? Well anyway couple of weeks ago my best friend came for a catch up and asked me to be maid of honour which I am so excited about helping her choose a dress, hen do and we have decided to have a little fun going to wedding fairs to try cake.

In my previous posts I have mentioned myself getting eyelash extensions, well since I have trained myself to do them. My salon did a Groupon deal for a half set £24 and longer time for £29 bit of a bargain but I have been rushed off my feet doing extensions and they are coming out of my ears. I like being busy though, nothing worse than an empty salon with nothing to do...After talking to many clients and looking at others doing extensions it does worry me that people with no beauty qualifications are able to do eyelash extensions and infact some cases not doing a great job. Most clients have an expectation of looking like a 'drag queen' from previous experiences,luckily our lashes are not too thick that they would never look like that. I'm no angel to begin with I was doing an OK job some peoples were falling off quickly but I do always have the support of the senior therapist with years of experience and after doing quite alot of sets now I am still learning but getting better it just takes practice. Surely the eye area is very delicate and can be very dangerous so if something was to go wrong who would you turn too for guidance?! When i first had eyelash extensions it was with a non-beautician she did an OK job but I felt a little awkard when I turned up to her room in a shared house it didn't seem professional it was also a little worrying that something may go wrong. Maybe I having a little winge for no reason but I just feel I have worked hard for a year studying beauty and others just step out of a one day course with a lash qualification?! Love to hear any thoughts? How do you feel? Do you prefer qualified or either? x S x